13 September 2007


Beautiful weather for the opening Husky game. Few settings match a clear, crisp day at Husky stadium by boat (tailgating by boat that is). We initiated an Idaho fan for his first Husky game. Good sport. We won. Ohio State awaits.

06 September 2007

Beach Holiday

This year, for Kristin's birthday, we decided a trip to the beach was in order. And the casino. No better place to combine the two than the Quinalt reservation beach resort. So we loaded up the cars with shorts and Stoli and headed on our way. Being Labor Day weekend, it was also the last hurrah for summer. We took full advantage. The locals either loved us or scorned us as obnoxious city types. Signage was made proper. Kites were flown. Hangovers nursed. Diets begun. All-in-all a pleasant, if not debaucherous, weekend.

Pictures are located here.