13 September 2007


Beautiful weather for the opening Husky game. Few settings match a clear, crisp day at Husky stadium by boat (tailgating by boat that is). We initiated an Idaho fan for his first Husky game. Good sport. We won. Ohio State awaits.

06 September 2007

Beach Holiday

This year, for Kristin's birthday, we decided a trip to the beach was in order. And the casino. No better place to combine the two than the Quinalt reservation beach resort. So we loaded up the cars with shorts and Stoli and headed on our way. Being Labor Day weekend, it was also the last hurrah for summer. We took full advantage. The locals either loved us or scorned us as obnoxious city types. Signage was made proper. Kites were flown. Hangovers nursed. Diets begun. All-in-all a pleasant, if not debaucherous, weekend.

Pictures are located here.

23 August 2007

Sunday Stroll

Recent sighting shopping for art and furniture in Pioneer Square with my friend Kristin. I could not resist. What the hell kind of photo shoot was this? America's next-to-last top model?

Blog Overload

I am not going to make any promises, as I've learned they are hard to keep when it comes to blog committments (you know the drill--"I've been a bad, bad blogger, but really, I'm going to maintain this site from now on."). But I have decided to at least limit my posts to this particular blog. We'll see how it works. I believe this is my third or fourth blog. All of them like neglected children--Waggishly now being the favored youngest (the youngest is always spoiled).

A similar dilemma exists with photo-sharing and professional/social community networks. flickr, Picassa, Facebook, MySpace--good Lord, who has the time. Not now. Maybe soon though.

06 February 2007

The Super Bowl

Being a fair-weather professional football fan, my team selection criteria were few. Chicago is one of my favorite cities. I like the bears at the zoo. My team lost--pity.

And the ads? Disappointing. The New York Times graphic representation of Super Bowl advertising history? A Tuftean triumph! Slide the timeline bar to 1984 and watch Apple's infamous Macintosh ad.

05 February 2007


A humorous or droll person; a wit.