23 August 2007

Blog Overload

I am not going to make any promises, as I've learned they are hard to keep when it comes to blog committments (you know the drill--"I've been a bad, bad blogger, but really, I'm going to maintain this site from now on."). But I have decided to at least limit my posts to this particular blog. We'll see how it works. I believe this is my third or fourth blog. All of them like neglected children--Waggishly now being the favored youngest (the youngest is always spoiled).

A similar dilemma exists with photo-sharing and professional/social community networks. flickr, Picassa, Facebook, MySpace--good Lord, who has the time. Not now. Maybe soon though.

1 comment:

Bombchell said...

lol Ive stopped commenting on being a bad blogger, and ive seen comments drop from 70 to 30 lol, ok not too funny.

now i just accept i'll post whenever i post, and if people subscribed they'll be aware whenever i post